This is me

The Code Behind the Craft

I'm Skanda Athreya, a high school web developer with a passion for creating exceptional online experiences. My toolkit:


Why me? I blend fresh ideas with solid skills. Your project gets undivided attention and cutting-edge solutions. Let's build something remarkable.

From Idea to Impact

1. We talk. I listen.

2. I plan. You approve.

3. I build. You review.

4. We refine. It excels.

5. Site launches. Support begins.

Simple. Effective. Results-driven.

My Projects

Executive Package

A comprehensive solution for businesses ready to maximize their online potential

$ 100

14-day delivery

5 Revisions

Enhance Your Package


Total: $100

Plus $3.99/month for hosting

Contact Me

Phone: 847-877-2340

Email: [email protected]